Christmas Tree Out – Houseplant In!

As tradition stands, January 5th or the eve of the Epiphany is considered the end of Christmas celebrations, and the day when the Christmas tree and decorations are removed from your house and packed away safely until next year.  I always find this a very therapeutic process as it is usually the first proper ‘house clean’ of the year, especially if you have had a real tree leaving a trail of dry crispy pine needles from your front room to your front door!

Christmas Tree Out, Houseplant In!

This does, however, leave quite a large empty space where the tree was stood, so why not fill that corner with a new green houseplant?

Ficus benjamina is our houseplant of the month for January,  lavishly endowed with leaves, available in sizes from a mini shrub to an indoor tree, and also easy to look after – it’s no wonder that it is one of the most popular houseplants.

Ficus benjamina

We will have a selection of wonderfully green plants in The Flower Studio ready for the weekend to fill any empty spaces in your home, and if you aren’t sure which to choose, ask one of our designers who will be more than happy to point you in the right direction.

For more inspiration on how to use plants in your home, from small groups in terracotta pots to enormous statement plants, we have put some ideas together on our Pinterest board ‘Hip Houseplants’.

And remember, Isle of Man residents who aren’t sure how they are going to dispose of their Christmas tree, Hospice Isle of Man are organising a collection on Saturday 7th and Sunday 8th January – to register and find out more details click here.

What do you think?